24 Kasım 2008 Pazartesi

NovoFine® needles

NovoFine® needles
- The finishing touch to diabetes care
Our state-of-the-art technology has made NovoFine® needles more comfortable than ever and the perfect finishing touch to diabetes care.

Our easy-to-use NovoFine® needles are among the shortest and thinnest available.

NovoFine® short needles offer a safe, effective insulin delivery, and Extra Thin Wall Technology improves insulin flow for a more comfortable injection.

With NovoFine® needles as a part of the Novo Nordisk insulin delivery system, patients can experience the ultimate in injection comfort and confidence.

NovoFine® is a registered trademark of Novo Nordisk A/S.

Novo Nordisk in short
Novo Nordisk sales totalled DKK 44.831 million (EUR 5.614 million) in 2007. With headquarters in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs approximately 25.500 full-time employees in 80 countries, and markets its products in 179 countries.
Novo Nordisk is a healthcare company and a world leader in diabetes care. The company has the broadest diabetes product portfolio in the industry, including advanced products within the area of insulin delivery systems. In addition, Novo Nordisk has a leading position within areas such as haemostasis management, growth hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Novo Nordisk manufactures and markets pharmaceutical products and services that make a significant difference to patients, the medical profession and society.

Triple bottom line focus
Novo Nordisk is committed to developing its business towards ecological, social and economic sustainability. This commitment is demonstrated through its values and its environmental and social responsibility policies.

Stock exchange listings
Novo Nordisk’s B shares are listed on the stock exchanges in Copenhagen and London. Its ADRs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ‘NVO’.

Our Vision

Our Vision paints a picture of what Novo Nordisk wants to achieve as a company - our place in the market and our overall goals in relation to patients, society and employees.

The Charter

How we act is described in the Charter. The Charter describes our Values, Commitments and Fundamentals - our basic management principles. Novo Nordisk has adopted the Charter for companies in the Novo Group - we commit ourselves to act inside this framework.

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Şükrü Yılmaz dedi ki...

Gulerken herkes eslik eder,ya aglarken.Basarilara herkes ortak olur,ya yenilgilere.Oyle bir dost edin ki; kotu gun kapını calinca kapiya seninle beraber baksin

Hayirli Gunler,Ailenizle ve Sevdiklerinizle birlikte Neseli Huzurlu ve bol bereketli Bir Gun Gecirmenizi Dilerim. Sevgiyle Saygiyle vede Sağlikla Mutlu Esen Kalin Allaha Emanet Olun Saygilarimla.


Hep yalniziz ama hep beraberiz
Yalniziz,yalnizligi yasiyoruz
Beraberiz yalnizligi paylasiyoruz
Gelecek hulyalariyla,
Gecmisi yakiyor
Ne bugunu ne yarini anliyoruz.

Alıntı:Nurgul Demirci

Sukru Yilmaz


Şükrü Yılmaz dedi ki...

Hayirli Aksamlar Ailenizle ve Sevdiklerinizle Birlikte Saglikli Neseli Huzurlu ve Baris icinde Güzel Bir Bayram Tatili Gecirmenizi Dilerim.Saygilarimla

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Nefretlerini kes...Sevgiye kurban olsun...
Kotu sozu kes..Guzel soze kurban olsun..
Kuslukleri bitir...Barisa kurban olsun..
Kocu kes..Ismail'e kurban olsun..
Atamamissan..kinini,nefretini icinden...
Icindeki kotuluklere kurban olursun...
Koc etini herkes yer,sever..
'Hatta karakoyun etli olur...
kavurmasi datli olur...'
Insanin eti yenmez...
Gonu de giyilmez...
Mundar olursun...


Sukru Yilmaz
